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Saturday, January 23, 2010


A bond (relationship wise) is when two people have a connection. Being attracted to each other and sharing common values and interests brought the two of you together as a couple, but the bond has not been set completely. Besides the fact that you have love and care between you, you also need to see whether or not the two of you are friends. Is it possible to be friends? Absolutely! As a matter of fact, it is a must if the two of you are going to build a lasting bond.

Having a strong longing and passion for another is important, but is not enough fuel to keep the bond running. With friendship, your relationship will remain having that strength under all kinds of circumstances. There will be times, for example, when you as a couple are not living in your most passionate times. This is natural and does not mean there is no longer love or desire. As your relationship deepens, you will go through many experiences and stages that may put your romance and frequent hot sex aside for a while. This is where friendship comes in and why it is so important. You should be there for each other and understand your partner�s situations and concerns. Just take a look at your friends. See what makes your friendship with them so great. You then need to see if your partner has those same similarities or exact (sticking up for you when you need the back up for instance) qualities. Another point to keep in mind is keeping yourself aware of what behavior you would not except from a friend. You should definitely not accept those behaviors from your mate (like standing you up all the time) either.

It is not easy to put our friends and lovers in the same comparison because we are in love with our partners, and therefore will be more patient with them than we would with our friends. You can easily blind yourself due to the love you feel for that person and not even realize when he or she is not being a good friend and partner to you. How can you tell? A true friendship is basically the same as the true qualities that define real love. The difference is, we are in love and have a deep desire for our mates, with commitment and a goal of building a future, and perhaps even getting married and making a family together. The list below will help you see if your lover is a friend to you as well.

You can talk to and confide in each other about anything.
Your partner is there for you when you need to talk to someone.
Being able to always rely on each other when one is counted on.
Having a permanent shoulder to cry on when we need it
Having many things in common
Accepting one another for who we are
Listening to us and considering our opinions important

Do not feel guilty for having higher expectations from your lover either. People often feel like they should be more lenient and understanding when it comes to their lovers. Even though it is important to keep an understanding attitude (to avoid misunderstandings and arguments), you should never let things always slide or make up excuses for your partner�s wrong doings. You should expect better and not except such behavior. You deserve better. After all, you invest most of your emotions and time into your partner, so always remember that you are entitled to receive the same


Peple think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants.

But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that's holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life. A true soul mate is probably the most important person you'll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake.

Every one has a dream about meeting the right person. . . the one that we are meant to be with forever. Dreaming about it is all fun and easy, but the real question is, where do you find this soul mate of yours? Fate? Well yes, if you believe in fate, then yes, it will have something to do with it, but not without effort on your part. Fate needs you to give it direction so that as a team, you can find the person you have always wanted as a part of your life.

The first thing you have to do before finding your soul mate, is finding yourself. What qualities are important to you? What are your morals and beliefs? How do you show your affection and how do you expect it to be presented to you? These are questions necessary for you to ask yourself before going out there. Giving yourself an interview will make things clearer of what type of person you are really looking for, instead of just going on a blind search.

It is very common for a person to date people just for �dating�. While dating is a fun and useful experience, it is not advisable to just go out with anyone just to have a date, or to enter a relationship because you do not want to be alone. When you go out on a date, it is important that you use that date as an opportunity to observe and see if the person is someone you would like to see again and if they carry the qualities you are looking for. If, for example, if you are searching for a person who is in touch with his or her romantic side, but go on a date with someone who likes acting rough at baseball games and loves hunting, then you could pretty much see where the relationship would go. You should be able to sense these qualities after a few dates.

Once you have realized that these dates will not lead to a relationship you have dreamed of, then obviously the person is not your dream mate either, and it would be best if you stop seeing each other to prevent any misleading expectations. Continuing to date someone just because you entered a comfort zone or do not want to hurt their feelings will only hold you back from meeting who you are really meant to be with, not to mention waste precious time for both you and your date�s. Gently break it to him or her that you find them to be a very interesting and nice person, but you feel like going solo for a while and then move on.

Tracking down your soul mate will require patience; so do not feel frustrated or hopeless if you do not find him or her in a certain amount of time. Good things take time to be brought together and you will come together when the time is right. The time becomes right when you look out for the right signs. Such signs would be:

1. Being strongly attracted to each other�s personalities.
2. Having common interests.
3. Sharing the same values.
4. Major respect for one another.
5. Someone who makes you feel truly special and worthy.
6. Someone who puts in a great effort to show you their passion for you and the things that is important in your life.
7. Meeting on the same emotional levels.


It is only when we realize our self need to be forgiven; we cultivate in us the habit of forgiving. With it comes the intention of making life worth living for self and others around us and so the motto, ‘Live and Let Live!’
In our habit as human we often indulge in the delight of treating people badly. So yes maybe they deserve it, but then is it worth it? To carry the heart in black filled with smoke and no ventilation? I have known some who deliberately come in finding ways to make lives miserable. I am yet to figure out the science where, we are so prone to pass judgments on others’ actions because somehow God has made us eligible enough to know exactly how the other person should behave. I get sick of people in general. It is not a habit it has been stabbed into my system. I use the expression stab, because it had been their deliberate attempt for me to abhor them so much. My friends tell me I am an easy to adjust with person, because I am. I don’t have a hard and fast line drawn on the good and bad, unless it concerns me and I judge no one on the basis of their doings. Some people come in and shit from their mouths and yet I keep my cool and let it pass; for the stink can only stay until I spray my air freshener or until I pull the flush. As we progress in our resurgence from the staunch judgmental fool to the forgiving souls, we find that, to accept ourselves, we must accept those around us. It is easy to label and say someone is full of crap and doesn’t need to be done any forgiveness or good deed with but the hard part is to let it go and feel free from the ache of excess unnecessary baggage. I have tried it, I have let my baggage off and it really feels great.
It may be difficult to be an audience to someone’s insanity as he/she displays more signs of going deep into the gutter than any revival. I have detached myself from the problems, just so I can start living in the solution. Now if I feel affected by anyone’s actions or words, no matter how much it cuts me through I have adorned in my attire the smile of forgiveness. I am willingly being staunch about it. I choose to forgive and let go. Insane!!! Yes I hear you. But it is peace and that is my seek.
I have expected things to be my way for a long time. But today might be the day where I will strive to forgive more whether you forgive me or not. There is no give and take for me in this. I will give; I will try to act in such a way that I ignite in me the reason of self-love, of worthiness, of God’s approval of me.

1) Change Yourself - Yu are in control
2) Forgive- Let Go
3) Without Action- You aren't GOING anywhere
4) Take care of the moment
5) Every is human- Persist
6) See the good in People- Help Them
7) Be Congruent
8) Be authentic
9) Be your True Self
10) Continue to grow and evolve

Monday, January 18, 2010


Words cannot describe how i feel About love, My Janu Knows better than me...what i will do if i am in love.... hmm let me think ...will try to say about it in simple words...

(A girl and guy were speeding over 100 mph on a motorcycle)

Girl: Slow down. I’m scared.
Guy: No this is fun.
Girl: No its not. Please, it’s too scary!
Guy: Then tell me you love me.
Girl: Fine, I love you. Slow down!
Guy: Now give me a BIG hug. (Girl hugs him)
Guy: Can u take my helmet off and put it on? It’s bugging me.

In the paper the next day: A motorcycle had crashed into a building because of break failure. Two people were on the motorcycle, but only one survived.

The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy realized that his breaks broke,
but he didn't want to let the girl know. Instead, he had her say she loved him, felt her hug one last time, then had her wear his helmet so she would live even though it
meant he would die.